Paparelli on the neswpaper "Libertà"


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Paparelli screens and tubes newspaper Libertà
Paparelli screens and tubes newspaper Libertà

Has it happens for each edition, Paparelli attended the "GEOFLUID Drilling & Foundation" exhibition during the 21st International Exhibition of Technologies and Research Equipment, Extracting and Conveying Underground Fluids at Piacenza Expo.

For the company this event represents the opportunity to meet customers and suppliers which hardly it would be able to have direct contact during the rest of the year; so for this reason it's very important to attend every year.

Paparelli organized a stand in which it placed all types of screens and tubes, in particular Johnson screens type, giving the possibility for visitors to see the multiple uses of its products: Johnson screens type infact have been used as a glove for furniture complements.

The large turnout this year interested some journalists of "Libertà", who have dedicated the first page of the newspaper at the exhibition, using a photo of the Paparelli's stand.

Various types of screens and tubes have been immortalized in the shot: a blind tube, three bridge screens and Johnson screens type.

The exhibition ended on 8th October, day of publication of the article about Paparelli and its screens and tubes on "Libertà", daily newspaper of Piacenza.