How to select the right water well


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Paparelli Wedge Wire Screens how to chose right screen
Paparelli Wedge Wire Screens how to chose right screen

To achieve an efficient water well is necessary to choose the filter.

Paparelli, historical specialist in screens and tubes for water wells, offers its customers a wide choice of all its products, giving detailed technical specifications and detailed advice.

To be able to choose the right filter for the construction of a well, you must consider some factors.

It's closely necessary that filter pack for water wells is resistant to the forces which arise from its own weight and from those of equipment located below, such as other supplementary screens or coatings.

At the same time the screen must be able to withstand the radial compressive force caused by land, which will be higher after the development of the water well.

Paparelli works hard to offering the public screens and tubes for water wells increasingly respond to the request, resistant and suitable to be subjected to any kind of crush or pressure.

If unsuitable or inappropriate materials are used, there will be corrosion: for this reason, Paparelli Alessandro E Figlio srl equipe constantly reminds its customers to such inconveniences are likely to experience by choosing the wrong material, in favor of a more attractive price.