Glass beads characteristics


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glass beads for screen water by Paparelli
features glass beads screens tubes filter pack
glass beads for screen water by Paparelli

Paparelli recently decided to offer its customers a new filtration method for water wells, using glass beads, which offer many advantages to those who decide to use them.

Glass beads provide multiple benefits including enhanced processing, excellent chemical and heat resistance, thermal stability, low oil absorption, and are used in many fields, such as a filter pack in water wells as suggested by Paparelli.

Most of the theese commonly used in composites manufacturing are hollow and are made of either glass or plastic.

Along with wall thickness, particle size plays a critical role in the microsphere’s relative density and its survival rate, because smaller microspheres are better able to withstand the processing conditions of higher shear rates and faster screws.

For these fundamental characteristics, Paparelli recommends using glass beads for filter pack in water wells in place of the normal spiral screens.

One of its most important characteristics is the ability to impart durability and chip resistance due to hardness of glass, in addition to greater thermal insulation, easier machinability, faster cycle times, and cost savings.

All these characteristics have convinced Paparelli to introducing the company to the glass beads used for filter pack in water wells.